Truth and Clarity on Mercury Regulation in UV Technology - IUVA Wold Congress - Keynote Address

Truth and clarity on mercury regulation for UV technology

Watch Jennifer Heathcote’s keynote address from the IUVA World Congress, regarding the current state of mercury regulation.

GEW’s Business Development Manager, Jennifer Heathcote, recently had the privilege of delivering the keynote address at the International Ultraviolet Association (IUVA) World Congress’s virtual event. Jennifer discussed the top of “truth and clarity on mercury regulation for UV technology”.

In the speech, Jennifer addresses the Minamata Convention on Mercury, which was ratified by 131 nations as of May 2021, with a focus on the drivers behind the regulation, how the treaty will be implemented globally, and the short and long term implications for disinfection, sterilisation and purification of mercury-added UV products.

The IUVA World Congress brought together worldwide academic and industry participants involved in all aspects of UV. The focus of the conference was to present the latest and emerging advancements in technology and research addressing the environmental, health, and treatment process challenges of today, as well as discussing the current trends in UV regulations and new applications.

For further information on this topic, you can read Jennifer’s updated article, released in 2023, about the mercury regulation for UV curing.