Robert Rae explains the benefits of GEW's next generation, higher power air-cooled UV LED curing system, AeroLED2, which is for applications up to 70cm.

Robert Rae introduces GEW’s AeroLED2, the company’s next generation, higher power UV LED system

Robert Rae, GEW’s Managing Director for Sales, explains the benefits of GEW’s next generation air-cooled UV LED curing system, AeroLED2

GEW’s AeroLED2 represents the next generation of UV LED for applications up to 70cm, offering a 30% increase in electrical power (70W / cm), a 30% increase in UV dose (170mJ / cm2) and a 40% increase in UV irradiance (26W / cm2) compared to its predecessor, AeroLED.

In this video, GEW’s Robert Rae introduces AeroLED2, explaining the benefits of the product for customers and highlighting who this curing system is aimed at.

Watch the video or read the transcript below:

Robert Rae:Today, GEW are launching AeroLED2, the revolutionary improvement over our highly acclaimed AeroLED system; fully air-cooled LED for printing, coating and converting applications.

AeroLED2 features a 30% power boost over the original product, for an electrical power of 70 W/cm, a peak irradiance of 26 Watts per square cm and a UV dose, which is now matched with our highly acclaimed LeoLED water-cooled product. This gives customers now, in the increasingly difficult, restricted, regulatory framework, the confidence that inks can be cured at high speed even with a fully air-cooled LED system.

In addition, we’ve stretched the product now to 70cm or 26 inches, which makes it perfect for the mid web market where you can get away from having costly chillers on your presses, which are printing shrink sleeves or flexible packaging applications.

AeroLED2 still features the same central fan cooling system and concept as AeroLED1. This means that the air is drawn into the cassette and to a central fan so there’s no air movement exhausted on the press and there’s no integrated high pitched fans inside the lamp. This minimises electronics inside the LED cassette, which is important in highly challenging press room environments where ink and dust and mist get everywhere.

It also means that, combined with GEW’s RHINO power systems, AeroLED2 is ArcLED compatible. That means we can interchange between any GEW mercury lamp and AeroLED2 on any print station, just by changing the cassette with one 8mm hex key. This gives the ultimate flexibility of printing because you can run mercury inks, LED inks or varnishes, in any position, at any time and switch just by changing the cassette.

In addition, it means that every system that is equipped with a GEW UV curing system can be upgraded to LED in future; it’s future-proof. All you have to do to change a mercury system to LED on your press, is buy an LED cassette, slide it in and do a software update. And this makes it super easy to run and upgrade your press to LED in less than one hour.

All of those benefits combined, we believe that AeroLED2 is a revolutionary improvement over AeroLED1 and, at a better price point than the previous product, we have a better return on investment and a lower investment cost in the first place.

So if you’re considering LED, you need to be looking at AeroLED2 for your machine, whether it’s new or a retrofit, talk to your GEW representative to find out more about this product and visit our website,

To learn more about AeroLED2, go here.