LABELEXPO - GEW presentation on the Omet stand on 12.09

Press presentations demonstrate huge energy and cost savings

GEW’s recent press presentations at Labelexpo Europe demonstrated the huge energy and cost savings achieved when switching from conventional UV Arc to UV LED.

GEW staged a series of on-press presentations at the recent Labelexpo Europe in Brussels, which clearly demonstrated the huge UV LED energy savings that can be expected when upgrading the curing technology on a press, from conventional UV Arc to UV LED.

The presentations took place at the Omet and Mark Andy stands over the course of the four day show, and proved to be very popular. Many visitors were surprised by the impressive energy savings that were validated and displayed on large screens during each presentation… across the board, savings of over 70% were achieved in every case, when switching the press curing technology from Arc to LED.

To see these statistics for yourself, watch our video below:

*For subtitles, go to Settings > Subtitles > English.

For further information on our UV LED curing systems, visit our products page.

Or to calculate how much a switch to UV LED could save your business, use our Return on Investment calculator.

ArcLED facilitates simple UV LED upgrades
GEW’s long-established ArcLED technology means that an upgrade to UV LED is simple, quick and cost-effective. ArcLED employs interchangeable lamphead cassettes to enable the use of a conventional UV arc lamp or LED array on the same print unit, simply by changing the cassette unit.

Both arc and LED cassettes are compatible with GEW’s RHINO power supply unit (PSU) and fit in the same housing, to enable fast and easy changeover.

For GEW RHINO and RLT users, UV curing systems can be upgraded to LED by simply adding LeoLED cassettes and a chiller unit, or AeroLED cassettes, depending on your individual application requirements.

To learn more about AeroLED and the UV LED energy savings it can bring, visit our product page.