
Case study video spotlights UV in label printing with PrintAvia

GEW has released a new ‘Customer Spotlight’ case study video which highlights the benefits of UV curing for narrow-web label presses, from customer PrintAvia Aviation AG.

GEW has released a new ‘Customer Spotlight’ case study video focused on PrintAvia, which highlights the efficiency benefits of UV curing for label and narrow web presses.

Based near Basel in Switzerland, PrintAvia is a dedicated supplier to the global aviation industry, with customers throughout Europe and beyond. The company has invested in several retrofitted GEW UV curing systems to increase production capacity, to meet the rigorous demands of this specialised, time-sensitive market.

With four narrow-web presses fitted with UV systems, PrintAvia can produce up to one million baggage labels each day. Efficient production and delivery is critical, with no margin for error. This short study gives an insight into the business and highlights how the team there have used GEW UV curing to offer faster delivery times, at the same time enabling them to take on new customers through their increased production capacity.

For further information on GEW’s E2C UV curing system, which is widely used by PrintAvia, go here.

Watch the video here:

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